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Fucking Hell

11/03/04 8:00 �m

i have been nauseous with contempt since last night.
i had fooled my self, primarily due to my environment, into thinking that a large portion of the american population had the capacity to think logically, analyze in some rudimentary way the cost-benefit ratio of their actions. they obviously, painfully, shamefully do not.
why any sane middle class or working class person would vote for someone who PLAINLY does not represent well-being of that demographic, is just infuriatingly beyond my ability to grasp or successfully deal with in a mature and calm manner. They have made it quite clear that they endorse this administration's domestic and foreign policy. if some poor iowan fuck wants to send his/her kid to die for Haliburton's contracts, then u go collect your fucking child in a body bag and some worthless medal of honor and thank-you note, and admire the poor schmuck who got blown to bits by a road side bomb for a semantically raped whore of a word: "FREEDOM".
cuz u feel safer there knowing Dubya's in the White House; safer on your shit-kicker farm, in your shit-kicker state, that a terrorist would never in a million years even consider attacking. i'm glad u feel safer, while we here on planet SANITY, where, incidentally, they tend to drop PLANES on our buildings, vote overwhelmingly for the Other White Meat...WHY THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THAT IS, BILLY BOB??

so, since new england and the midatlantic states cant really seceed from the Union, we're stuck with you folks. different cultures under an awkward political system, under a mocking apparition of democracy, if by "demos", we mean an oligarchy of filthy fucking rich wasps and their bloated interest groups. hmmm... not too different than your boss's contemporary Iraq. i salute your patriotism and perserverance in the face of progress and sanity. now go to hell.

from dust - from ashes

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