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Fragment 3: Ars Oblivionalis

2002-07-24 9:25 pm

It wasn't always so:
a large, white marble room,
a worn wooden study
a plain chair.
around them
indistinct forms flutter
in an echo of panic.
a violent god-wrought storm
screams and rages
part fury
part indignation
at the failed resurrection
in the brick and stone catacombs.
������ ���, ������"*
but he doesn't come
in the street: two dogs fucking
a symbiotic abomination
writhing like a base twisted seraph.
who has the courage to kill it?

- - - it wasn't always so
and as i fall from Keter to Malkhut
shorn upon the shattered spheres
her signal fades and ceases
and so i am left to drift
through the tempest,
dreaming of fimbulwinter.
sub umbra alarum tuarum*
i no longer fear the Darkness...


1st* -- "come forth, lazarus", which is pronounced, phonetically, "Thevron exo, Lazare" 2nd* -- "Under the shadow of your wings"

from dust - from ashes

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