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2002-07-13 11:40 am

sesame street, it would appear, has a dark side. gods only know what goes on there when the cameras aren't rolling. you probably all know by now that the producers have decided to add an HIV positive muppet to the cast. now, don't get me wrong, i am not passing any moral judgment on anyone, human or muppet, who is HIV positive. that would be ridiculous. i also think that AIDS education is very important, even at such an early age becasue of the presence of HIV+ children. i applaude the effort and i hope their message is heard, and an atmosphere of understanding, acceptance and awareness is cultured. but a muppet? this awareness campaign will probably also have the unfortunate effect of creating the impression, misled or no- who can say?- that muppets have sex. by extention, it will be applied that they also reproduce sexually. now i know, some of you are saying that i have never examined muppet viscera- and you are right. so at the very least, i should be concerned that this pandemic has also spread to muppet communities. which raises the next question- what the hell was the vector, and what strain of HIV was it? are muppets infected with by separate strain? if no, then we all know what that means. people and muppets have been getting it on (and apparently have been having human/muppet hybrid babies). now what kind of sick mind can find a muppet attractive- but again, i mustn't be so judgemental. its not my place to judge people's tastes. but do we want our children growing up to think its ok to have physical reltions with muppets?

now, muppet HIV may have been introduced through non-sexual means. which means, of course, that somwhere, there are substance abusing muppets, shooting up with muppet heroin. in sesame street, of all muppet places

perhaps i come from a backwards, ideologically obsolete world. maybe the world is ready for a society where humans and muppets can love one another as they see fit, where muppets need our support to overcome the epidemics of viral infection and substance abuse. have we done this to them?

from dust - from ashes

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